I am baaaaaaccckkkkk!!!! HAHA...
I know you missed me! Well anyways, heres an update on us... because I know you think we had fallen off the planet since our honeymoon! Believe me married life is bliss... We are having so much fun together! It is definately the most wonderful decision God has made in our lives. Im not saying its perfect, but it is definately wonderful and just completely WOW! Josh is happily working for the family bussiness, learning everything about in the in and outs of running it...I have been super busy with school! 20 units I am finding is quite difficult...yet managable...Fresno State needs to be covered in prayer right now, with all the budget cuts and things it is in a rough spot right now for faculty and students... I plan on graduating with my Bachelors in English in May!! I know what I will be doing after...but you will ahve to wait for that post!!!
Needless to say we are settling into life quite well...Life is busy but we wouldn't have it any other way!! Changes have definately been happening..which is a totally AWESOME thing...Nothing is better than following the will of God and knowing that you are doing what HE wants rather than what someone else wants for you.
Mom and Dad are doing great!! We have become quite the four-muskateers!! LOVE YOU MOM AND DAD!
So we had the amazing opportunity to go to the Pumpkin Patch with the Egles Nest and Alisha and Jakey Boo...WOW what an amazing place! filled with trains, hayrides, and tons of little children! haha it was a wonderful day... here are some pictures :O)