Shine is incredible. She makes me laugh constantly and is always there with a warm hug. I cannot count the times she has lifted my spirits by just giving me one of her smiles. I sometimes forget she is thirteen... We have had so much fun on all our car rides to home from church. It seems like I can laugh with Shine or cry with her and she is always the same. Shine thank you for always lending me an ear and giving me Godly advice. I have to tell you that you are wise beyond your years and I am so thankful God has given me a friend like you. You are beautiful in the inside and out. Keep being who you are and never change because you are absolutely amazing. I look forward to all teh memories we will share. I cannot wait for the day when your my kids nanny and your letting them stay up late, eat taco bell and backe choclate chip cookies at wee hours of the morning (not that I would ever do that with your kids Kristi ;O) ) Shine I love you to the moon and back. Thank you again for being in my wedding, I could not have it without you... it jsut wouldnt be the same. Love ya Shiney Hiney!!
2 more guys!! Keep a look out tomorrow!
and HAppy early Thanksgiving!!
YAY!! I made it into some one elses blog.. I am special lol.. I love my shiney hiney too!!!!
Ok this one is near to my heart! Shine is absolutely amazing. She is so special. Bethany I am so glad that the kids have you, especially Shine at this time in her life. We miss them so much but it makes it better knowing they have you to love them, kiss them, treat them special, and let them do things that Mom wouldn't! :>) Go Bethany!!!
Wow Ws. Bethany!!! That was a great post...you brought tears to my eyes. that's my little girl..Ok so she's not so little now but she's still my girl even though she is taller than me. Thanks for all the nice things you said about Shine and for being in her life. You are a great influence in her life and a piece that I don't offer her. Thx Ws. Bethany!!! We love you!!!
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