I am so excited to be writing this blog post!! I am so excited to announce we have a honeymoon booked!!!
My mom and dad, soon to be Josh's as well, has so generously given us our honeymoon as an engagement gift. We are so blessed and excited by this news. Mom and Dad thank you so much for giving us the honeymoon of our dreams, you are seriously the most generous and incredible people we know. You both have been such a spiritual voice in Josh and I's relationship and that will continue on forever. You two are our best friends... We really are serious when we say you are totally invited to come ;O) (by the way the said no...) Seriously though, your gift means so much to us... not because of what it is (even thoughWHAT it is in AMAZING!!!) but it means sp much because we know it is from your heart. You have made the effort to know the both of us inside and out. You honor us and respect us and have always encouraged us. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for never judging and never leaving our side.. through thick and thin you have been there... I am so excited for all that is ahead...I love that we have an established relationship and that we are the four muskateers!!! (I still get to be the cream in the middle though!) Again, thank you for everything you impart to us. Your gift is incredible.... While we are gone please plan the next one...perhaps Europe!! ??!!!
And here is where we are going....



Amazing! Congrats on your honeymoon plans. I am so excited for you both - you are two of the coolest people I know and your mom and dad are THE absolute coolest people!!! I know you agree, how awesome is it to have your own mom and dad for best friends!!!
CONGRATS! What a wonderful gift you're parents have blessed you with. I agree, they are some of the coolest people I know! You guys are going to have an amazing time. What a great trip to start your new life as a married couple! Oooh I'm so excited for you!
Oh how exciting!!! The min amount of pics that is acceptable is 600. You better get an additional memory card.
very excited for you guys. You will have an amazing time with lots of memories to create.
I think your mom and dad will need some company while they are there with you..and it's a sacrifice but the egle's are available. That's very far away to not be with your children. haha!!
They can snuggle with you guys. haha!! yea right.
YAY!!! I am so excited for you, I know this is were you 2 wanted to go. Its so amazing to see you get your dream wedding and now your dream honeymoon. You surely are blessed with the most amazing parents that were made just for you. So if there not going to I get to go in there place lol j/k..
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