I think at some point in our lives we have all felt this. It's not the most wonderful feeling, but it's also kind of humorous at the same time. I mean come on- just picture an elephant in your living room (I know you are smiling) and if you can't picture it I have provided pictures! haha. Anyways, I embrace the humor that comes along with it, it is the awkwardness that is the tricky part. So today I want to try and tackle the awkwardness. Don't get me wrong even after this post there will still be awkwardness and even an elephant in the room, because lets face it, some people get attached to the elephant and want to keep it for a pet, but that's okay, in due time it will find its way back to the zoo!
Recently, Josh and I have had major change take place in our life. All great things...in fact GOD things! Back in October God spoke to us and told us that it was time to leave Celebration (the church that we had attended for the past 8 years) Let me tell you it was not easy, but what made it right and peaceful was the fact that it was God speaking, and when God speaks you have to listen!! Nothing caused us to leave other than what God SAID. Our time and season there had come to an end and it was our responsibility to move when God told us to move.
No we were not: 1. Offended 2. Angry 3. MOVING AWAY 4. Hurt 5. Pregnant(you would be surprised! haha believe me when I am you will know!!)
God writes our story and we have to live it the way he writes it. I have a quote on my blog that says
"Decisions become easier when your will to please God outweighs your will to please the world"
This quote is so real to us. God is the boss and if we do not listen to what He has to say then we will be miserable and really not a help to anyone around us. Plus, we are all in the same race. We want to see people saved and come to know Jesus, we want to see people healed and blessed and live to futher God's Kingdom. There are so many people all over the world with the same vision and dreams and We look forward to experiencing all different cultures and individuals who have a story, a story and adventure about how they learned to know our Jesus!
We are so excited and thrilled for the things God is doing and has done in our lives so far. Dreams are being resurrected and are starting to unfold before our very eyes. It is so precious and amazing to experience this. God has a different story written for each individual, some may be similar some different but ALL of the stories are worth reading!!
I know there are alot of people who read our blog, even if you dont comment I know you are still out there. and THATS OKAY! I just want YOU to know that there is absolutely no weirdness here on our part! We are still Josh and Bethany. We are two people in love with our God and in love with eachother. We love our family and cherish each moment of life. We want you to know our relationships surpass a building, or a service or even a state!! We are here and we want you to know we CARE. This post was not to defend why we left or to explain our decision. This post was an attempt to cut down on the awkwardness, or even answer some questions that often arise when people start talking. We do not want you to be put in a place of having to assume. Life is great and God is good. We loved our time at Celebration and are so happy for all the tools we have been given to live a prosperous and blessed life. We look forward to continue on the path God has paved for us. We still are running the race with you! So anyways, as much I think elephants are adorable, THAT elephant in the room just HAD to go! LOL it was time for it to go back to the zoo!
Have an awesome amazing day! We would love to hear from you! If you dont blog or dont know how to leave comments drop us an email: BethJane1988@gmail.com :O)
Well said Bethany! It's unfortunate that some people have to always think something bad happened when change occurs. It's not always bad, sometimes God just moves people! Why is His business! We love you both and consider your decision following God for your own lives! Congrats on taking the steps even though they are difficult! I can't wait to see what else God has in store for you guys! Love you!
Wow B!! That was a great post! I say that because I know it took courage to hit that head on. We all have been in that place of uncomfortableness of not quite sure what people are thinking or saying about you and decisions that you are responsible for. I am very proud of you and Josh for having the courage to do what God has told you to do. It's not the easy road to follow even though there is peace. God has great things in store for you and your family. He's not done yet. This is the end of one chapter and on to the next one. Just like when reading a book...There is transition when you go from chapter to chapter. Our lives and the road God has for us is not much different.
I love you bunches and believe that you and Josh have heard from God. That's really only between you two and Him.
It's fun to watch what's up next...I know it must involve me, my husband, and kids. Nanny's don't just go away.
Lv ya!!
Wow Bethany. You have got an amazing strength to come out and say that. And I am happy for the both of you that you are following God your life. Its easy to follow the crowd but it takes faith to follow God. We love you guys!!
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