So I came across this wayyyy cool app on my it may only be cool to me because I find writing prompts fun and witty (hence the English Degree) but I think it's a great way to get my mind flowing for my own personal writing. Like everyone I get writer's block so this helps keep things fun. Writing can be Fun...not a chore, especially when you do it for yourself. So I thought that I would occasionally share my writing prompts. I will warn you they will probably sound ridiculous, but that is the point. As I work on my novel, I notice that I start to become too serious which honestly hides my true voice. Doing silly prompts like this every once in awhile keeps me thinking and having fun. So I hope you enjoy my silliness! I included a picture of the prompt!

"Ketchup, the food of the gods. Like mana from the heavens cascading down on pristine snowflakes, looking like blood from a dagger dripping upon the pure driven snow.The universal condiment fit for a king and even for Charlie Sheen. A kitchen without it is like a Christmas tree with no ornaments. Red, glorious, Ketchup."
That one was difficult for me! The 55 word limit was heartbreaking and the category of food?! I had a whole paragraph on the joy of ketchup...guess the world wasn't ready for it! That was so much fun...I encourage you to write. Write anything at all. In a diary, journal, a silly story...heck even a grocery list! (Which I should probably do!) I know this seems so silly, and some may not get it...but this kind of think invokes creativity, and that is very important! Creativity is what our world needs. New ideas, inventions, ways to make people laugh, get your creative juices flowing! If any of you decide to try the prompt, I would LOVE to see what you come up with!
Your lovable writer,