Well, it has been pretty exciting around here lately! If you follow the beautiful Kristi Egle's blog or are facebook friends than you may have already heard the great news...I was so happy and honored that she would do a blog post about it for me! I have been so busy that I just haven't had the opportunity to do one myself! And big thank you to T I lifted the photo from her blog since it was beautifully edited (Thanks T!!). So here is the good news officially from me...A publisher has accepted my first manuscript!
Yes! I was and still am pretty shocked! Josh and my family and friends have been so supportive. They encouraged me to send my manuscript to publishing houses and then I have been praying and believing ever since! This has been a dream of mine since I started college and declared my English major. Words in books are like time machines that take you to far away lands that can help us develop our imaginations and teach us how to dream BIG dreams. I feel so blessed that God has made it come true. Everything that is happening is all because of Him and I am thankful beyond words.
Everything is still in the beginning stages... I just signed our contract and will be starting all the fun stuff soon! I will definitely be keeping updates on here. It is quite a process so it will be awhile before the book is ready :O) Anyways, I thought I would make it official and share the news myself as well! I know this is going to be the most amazing adventure and I look forward to having you along on the journey with me.

I had to share these photos because the flowers were just SO gorgeous. My best friend and her family sent this to me the day after I found out! The Furtado family has been a part of my life since I was in the 5th grade... that's like 12 years.. plus Holly and I went to preschool together..I just wanted to say thank you to them on here. I was completely in awe of their generosity and kindness. Like I said I am so blessed to have the family and friends that I do.
So exciting!!! Congratulations. I'm looking forward to reading your work.
Yay Nanny B!! So happy for you. You know I am your #1 fan, well, after Josh and your parents..lol!! Ok, I'll take 3 seat. lol!!
Can't wait to get my hands a few of these books.
Love you bunches!
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