So it is time for me to post our next family tradition...MAKING GINGERBREAD HOUSES!!! It is one of my absolute favorites... also my moms!!! Josh watches...:O) lol I just love it.. alll the candies waiting in bowls to be "glued" onto a cute little house. . . It has so many memories with me and my mom. I will continue to make these gingerbread houses long after I am married. People may think it is funny but getting married to Josh and I means that everything is the same pretty much except he is permanent. !! Anyways I had a blast making my creation.... Unfortunately, the gingerbread house was faulty... and as my mom set it aside to dry about 20 minutes later it crumbles into pieces.. yes the roof slid off and the gum drops litterally DROPPED one by one. It was a sad day. Needless to say Mom and I are going to go pick up another kit for the weekend... lol Hope you enjoy our little tradition.
9 years ago
Yes, we love your tradition! It has also become a tradition of my kids to go to your house every year and do a gingerbread house (or g-man if you forget to get the house, LOL!!). Either way, they adore you all and will not stop talking about "when are we going to Bethany's???" So give me some relief and let's make a date, would ya?? Just kidding!! Seriously, tho, Mahala literally cried tonite when we came by for a minute and couldn't stay. She adores ya'll. Okay, I'll shut up now - but I loved your post! Thanks for sharing!!!
Oh this is my favorite tradition we do with the kids! I love making the gingergread houses with them, and all the candies in the bowls! Divine! I'm so happy to see others enjoy the same tradition. Bethany your house looked so cute. Sorry it fell apart. But hey, at least that gives you a reason to do it all again! How fun.
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