Monday, March 29, 2010

Family Visit at Grandma and Grandpa's

On Saturday afternoon we were so blessed to have our family down from San Jose area!

Ti Buddy and Tia Dorothy are my grandma and Tia Helen's brother and sister-in-law. Ti Buddy looked so good and had a blast out in the country! He ate cake and relaxed in the sun. We had such a great time visiting with all our family! It seems like forever since we have seen them so it was an absolute joy to just be with our family. Family is so important and sometimes I think it gets taken for granted. Donnie, Laurie, Dinga and Dillon also came down with Ti Buddy. Also, our fam Joey, Michelle, Cadendce, Uncle Ron, Connie and my Uncle Frank, Aunt Nancy, Caleb, Seth, Ping, and Uncle Mat were all there (can you believe that that is only like 1/8 of my family...LOL)

Where the portuguese family gathers (the kitchen)

What the portuguese family does in the kitchen (cooks for 100)

Maxine was VERY excited to be at Grandmas

The Guys

Josh and I

Ti Buddy waving for the camera


Little Donnie

Family Picture!

Tia Helen and her great grand baby!

Ti Buddy, Grandma and Tia Dorothy

Ti Buddy and his 2 sisters (missing sister Ethel!)

Me and my kid cousin Dillon


The Girls


Me and my Dinga (my Godmother)

The Kiddos on the golf cart

Don, Donnie and Cadence playing in the dirt

My uncle Mat took this picture and wrote this poem...BEAUTIFUL

Me and Uncle Mat

Josh and Miss Maxi

Me and my Grandpa

The perfect way to end the night... Ping napping!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Looks like fun B!! I love Gma's house. It's so homey. I love Gma too.